South Dakota Cancer Incidence & Mortality 01/01/2009 to 12/31/2018

This tool provided by the South Dakota Cancer Registry (SDCR) allows for quick cancer data comparisons by county. Available data are the five most diagnosed cancers and cancer-related deaths by primary site and county for South Dakota residents. Provided are age-adjusted cancer incidence and mortality rates, the number of new cancer cases diagnosed, and the number of cancer-related deaths. The data provided is for the most recent available ten year period and is currently inclusive of 2009-2018.

The SDCR is a statewide population-based cancer registry. It ensures that cancer programming, planning, and decision-making are based on high-quality, complete, and timely surveillance. See the SDCR website at for more information.

The SDCR is funded with a grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – grant number DP006293.
Click one county Click multiple counties to compare age-adjusted rates
Total Cancer
South Dakota
45,715 cases
16,454 deaths
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YEARS OF DATA 2009-2018
The cancer incidence and mortality rates are per 100,000 persons and age-adjusted to the 2000 United States standard population and South Dakota estimated population. The data source is the South Dakota Cancer Registry, South Dakota Department of Health.
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